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Monday, September 8, 2014

Assignment 1

    Assignment 1

  • List and explain various features of java.
  • Explain JVM?
  • Difference between JAVA and C++.
  • List OOP characteristics and describe inheritance with examples.
  • Explain the words super, static, final and this with the help of example.
  • Explain constructor and finalizer with the help of example.
  • Compare String with StringBuffer. Also write a program to count occurrence of character in a string.
  • Explain Overloading and Overriding with example
  • What is Inheritance? Explain the different forms of Inheritance with example..
  • Explain Java garbage collection mechanism.

* Assignment must be submitted on or before 05/09/2014. It should be written in tutorial pages only.
* Those who have below 20 marks in Class Test 1 have to write the paper twice and submit before 05/09/2014.

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