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Thursday, April 3, 2014

WTP Practical list 2014

WTP Practical List *

  1. Create a simple page using common tags in html.
  2. Create html page using ordered and unordered list.
  3. Create a page using frame and frameset in HTML.
  4. Create your class timetable using HTML
  5. Create a simple registration form in HTML.
  6. Create yahoomail home page using HTML.
  7. Create your resume using HTML tags also experiment with colors, text , link , size and also other tags you studied.
  8. Apply two external style sheets on resume created in practical 7.
  9. Develop a javascript to study alert, prompt and confirm box.
  10. Develop a javascript to print todays date.
  11. Develop a simple calculator using javascript.
  12. Apply validations on registration form created in practical 5.
  13. Create XML file to store student information like Enrollment Number, Name , Mobile Number , Email Id.
  14. Create XML Schema for above ( Practical No. 13 )
  15. Create XSL file to convert above ( refer Practical No. 13 )
  16. Write PHP Script for storing and retrieving user information from MySql table
    1. Use values entered by user in practical 12.
    2. Store these data in Mysql database.
    3. Next page display all user in html table using PHP ( display.php )
  17. Write a PHP script for user authentication using PHP-MYSQL. Use session for storing username.
* These are the minimum practicals you need to complete before this semester. so i request all of you to remain present in the laboratory sessions or else the practicals will be given as self study.

** If any one is absent on a particular lab session and wants to complete the practical or has any doubts can meet me anytime to solve their queries   

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