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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Assignment 2

Assignment 2

  • Explain package in java with example.
  • Discuss different components of java.util package.
  • Explain interface in java with example.
  • Explain difference between interface and abstract class with example.
  • What do you mean by exception handling? explain different types of exception.
  • Explain try, catch, finally, throw and throws with example.
  • What do you mean by multithreading? Explain thread life cycle.
  • Explain thread synchronization with example.
  • Explain collections framework in java.
  • Difference between text I/O vs binary I/O.
* Assignment must be submitted on or before 11/10/2014.
* Those who have below 10 marks in Class Test 1 have to write the paper twice and submit before 11/10/2014.
* Material and ppt has been updated on the blog click here to view